Please complete the following form by Thursday, 15 August 2024, and press the ‘submit’ button at the end.

You must hand in a copy of your son’s/daughter’s baptism certificate to the parish office and include cash or a cheque for £30 made payable to ‘St Anselm’s Church, Southall’, as soon as possible, and by Thursday 22 August 2024,  at the latest. Please note: You will not be able to participate in the programme if you have not handed in the Baptism Certificate by this date.

This rule applies, even if your child was baptised at St Anselm’s.

Details of the course, and a programme, which will be via Face-to Face meetings in the church, will be published at a later date at the end of this page.

The meetings will take place on a Saturday. The Programme will begin in September 2024. If your child is unable to attend a particular session, arrange for them to attend the same session for the other group if possible. Notify the Church Office if they cannot attend. If they miss more than two sessions, they will be unable to make their First Holy Communion in2025