If you are in year 9 at school (or older but not yet confirmed) and you would like to be confirmed in summer 2025, please complete the application form below.

You must hand in a copy of your Baptism Certificate to the Parish Office as soon as possible, and by Thursday 15 August 2024 at the latest.  Please note: You will not be able to participate in the programme if you have not handed in the Baptism Certificate by this date. This rule applies, even if your child was baptised at St Anselm’s.

Attendance at all sessions is a requirement. If your son or daughter misses three or more sessions, they will be removed from the programme and will have to make other arrangements for their Confirmation.

The programme will begin in September 2024. There will be two confirmation groups. Each group is limited to 70 participants. Once this limit is reached, you will be unable to register. You will need to speak to Fr. Jovito. Please arrive by 4.45 pm to ensure a prompt start and finish time for the session.

Group 1 will meet on Mondays at 5.00 pm in the Church Hall. 

Group 2 will meet on Tuesdays at 5.00 pm in the Church Hall.

Additional meetings may be necessary for the candidates and parents/careers from time to time. You will be notified of these, via the newsletter, at Mass or via text message from Fr. Jovito.

Please fill in ONE FORM only.

If you wish to join the Programme on a Monday, fill in the form that follows.

If you wish to join the Programme on a Tuesday, fill in the second form at the end of the page.



Details of the course along with a programme, which will be via Face-to Face meetings in the church, will be published here, in due course.