Prayer is an important way of developing our personal relationship with God. It is also the way that we create a Christian community and become Church – sons and daughters of God, here, on earth.
Let my prayer be counted as incense before you, and the lifting up of my hands as an evening sacrifice.
Psalm 141: 2
Listen to our podcasts during this Year of the Word of God, as we reflect on the Gospel Readings each week.
In addition to participating in the Masses, you can come into the church for quiet moments of personal prayer. You can pray for your own intentions or for the intentions of other parishioners, written in the book at the back of the church. You can also request prayer by writing your intentions in the book.
You can also pray for the Pope’s intentions. There is a different focus for each month. In March, he is praying for the world.
The Pope’s Video – March 2020
Let us pray for the pandemic to end!
Pope Francis – March 2020
“Let us all pray together for the sick, for the people who are suffering. We seek refuge under your protection, O Holy Mother of God. Do not despise our pleas — we who are put to the test — and deliver us from every danger. O glorious and blessed Virgin. I thank all Christians, all the men and women of good will who pray at this moment, in unison, whichever religious tradition they belong to.”
You may also find the following links, useful: This resource can be downloaded as an App and provides prayerful reflection on each days readings…. This resource offers an opportunity reflect on the Sunday Readings each week and is designed for use at home. Alternatively, you can join us, each Wednesday morning at 10.00am, after Mass, in the rectory when there is an opportunity to pray and reflect together, on the readings. This resource can be downloaded as an App and enables each of us to pray alongside the Pope, for his intentions and the needs of others, each month. It reminds us that, as individuals, we are not only part of the Parish community, but also a worldwide community, which is constantly praying for the needs of others.